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Funding Information

Funding: Childcare For 2 Year Olds

From the term after your child turns two, you might be able to claim 15 hours a week early education and childcare up to a maximum of 570 hours per year, funded by the government. This will depend on your household and income or if you are in receipt of certain benefits.

Places are available with any of the following types of childcare provider:

  A pre-school/playgroup
  A private/voluntary day nursery
  An independent school
  A network of childminders
  A nursery class in a state primary school
  A state nursery school

Learn more and see if you’re eligible by clicking the button below.

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Funding Information

Funding: 15 Hours Childcare For 3 & 4 Year Olds

From the term after your child’s third birthday, they can have up to 15 hours a week at a local nursery or with a childminder funded by the government. The places are available throughout England for 15 hours per week, for 38 weeks per year. This applies to all children.

Places are available with any of the following types of childcare provider:

  A pre-school/playgroup
  A private/voluntary day nursery
  An independent school
  A network of childminders
  A nursery class in a state primary school
  A state nursery school

Learn more by clicking the button below.

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Funding Information

Funding: 30 Hours Childcare For 3 & 4 Year Olds

All parents of 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to 15 hours universal funded childcare. Eligible working families can get an additional 15 hours if they meet the prescribed eligibility criteria. This makes a total of 30 hours funded childcare per week (up to a maximum of 1140 hours per year).

From September 2018, some children in foster care will be entitled to 30 hours funded childcare if the foster family meet the eligibility criteria. To find out more read our guidance for foster carers.

Learn more and see if you’re eligible by clicking the button below.

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Help & Advice

How to Get Started.

You can view the following links to get more advice and information on how to get started with Government funding.

Childcare Support Extra Early Years Funding

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